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The Field Trip
Looking around the room, 'Vok couldn't help but wish he had an industrial sized jar of peanut butter, "Because this is the most white bread I've ever seen assembled in one room in all me life." The buccaneer Skrull did his best to hide the nervous tension that he felt welling up in his stomach. He had never considered himself an out and out villain before, but being in the same room as all of these spandex clad super-types certainly reminded him of all the years spent walking that fine line of villainy.

The well-disguised Guardian stood quietly, with Kei hopefully still at his side. He was about as uncomfortable as a guy could possibly be, and he hoped that his teammate hadn't wandered too far. They seemed to be of like mind when it came to the details of their little field trip, and he always found it easier to deal with tension if he had a friendly face nearby. It suddenly occurred to him that that must have been the reason he had always felt so comfortable raiding the Shi'ar border worlds with the 'Jammers. With a guy like Ch'od watching your back, how bad could things get? Of coarse Kei wasn't exactly a ten foot tall green scaled Saurid, but she would have to do in a pinch.

Peering around the room, ‘Vok’s eyes went from Avenger to Avenger, trying to size them up as best he could. With a few exceptions, they didn’t look all that tough. He thanked his lucky stars that Thor was no where to be seen. There was just something about the pseudo god that ‘Vok didn’t like. After sizing up the Earth’s Mightiest, only a few of which ‘Vok even recognized, he moved his discerning eye about the room, looking for security devices. Things such as cameras, ID pads, retinal scanners or possibly even DNA pass locks. He was in the lion’s den, and he knew he couldn’t be too careful. It was important to know where the security cameras were located at least, for future reference…but more importantly, he was still wondering if they had any sort of alien detection equipment built into the joint. He was feeling more and more comfortable every day with the Guardians, but he wasn’t quite ready to share his true genealogy with the rest of the group just yet. Of coarse knowing how things usually went down, Cooper had probably already filled the Avengers in on his Skrull heritage. But the Guardian’s didn’t know yet, and he was happy to keep it that way for the time being.

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