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Nightwing #93
[spoiler]First off, Blockbuster finds out Nightwing's identity, and after a fight Barbara and Dick break up. Dick's entire appartment building is destroyed and only one person has survived (that big docile guy). Next up, Dick goes to Haley Circus and it is set on fire and people are again killed. Nightwing starts fighting his way through most of his Rogues gallery in order to find Blockbuster. He has a face off with Shrike. Blockbuster faces Nightwing and Tarantula. They get his confession on tape but it is destroyed by Tarantula's brother. Amy gives Dick his police badge back and after another fight with Blockbuster, Tarantula shoots Blockbuster and Nightwing goes into a crying frenzy "I'm sorry Bruce, so sorry". Then Tarantula proceeds to 'rape' him.[/spoiler]
This is a very crude summary though of the last few issues.

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