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On The Road To Nowhere: The Beginning
"Oh, my heart aches, my dear." he spoke in a mock tone "Although you are right, fire is sadly, one of the weakness of a vampire." While he spoke, he stepped backwards into the dark, only his eyes now visible. "Of course there is only one problem..."

For a moment he was a blur and then he appeared behind Yalene "Ye fire has to be quick enough to catch me." His voice was fast and his breath was only felt for a second in Yalene's ear, for it was quickly that he returned to the darkness behind Liath. "Here endeth the lesson." he muttered softly before he regained his tone "But please, do not think I am a monster, although I guess, in some areas..." a wicked grin crossed his features "I guess I could suprise ye with me beastliness." His eyes twinkled for a moment, perhaps the only clue that he actually had a soul.

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