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The Field Trip
“Of course we had all the fun.” Chandi commented as she dropped her bags next to AJ’s and made her way into the living room. “After all they did have you and me along.” She chirped being in a relatively chipper mood after her shopping trip in the city she loved so very much. Chandi noticed the looks that were being thrown in the direction of the pink haired fairy, but also shrugged them off as guys being guys. “I’m totally wasted.” Chandi exclaimed as she took a seat on the arm of one of the chairs, allowing her illusion to drop to reveal the pitch-black fur of her natural appearance.

“Nah, the party doesn’t star until we arrive.” With a Cheshire cat smirk gracing her features Chandi took a good long look around the room, assuming that most of the occupants hadn’t spent the entirety of the day in the Living room staring at the walls.

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