06-16-2004, 05:31 PM
Tatyana looked down at Matthias hand on her arm, then back up and him with a grin of her own.
"Well, if we don't My Lord I fear not only shall I look like a tart, but an easy tart at that. And I do have a feeling that they might come out looking should we be gone for too long, fearing you've done something wicked to me." She smiled again and started walking back towards the group.
"But then again, that's what you've had in mind, am I not correct, something wicked?" she smiled as she walked back into the relative safety of the fire.
"We are alone from what I can figure, my Lords and Ladies. So, what tales shall we hear this eve?"
"Well, if we don't My Lord I fear not only shall I look like a tart, but an easy tart at that. And I do have a feeling that they might come out looking should we be gone for too long, fearing you've done something wicked to me." She smiled again and started walking back towards the group.
"But then again, that's what you've had in mind, am I not correct, something wicked?" she smiled as she walked back into the relative safety of the fire.
"We are alone from what I can figure, my Lords and Ladies. So, what tales shall we hear this eve?"