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On The Road To Nowhere: The Beginning
"Violence? Och, what would be the use. All I'd do would be scaring the little lads and lasses during me act." He said as he rose up, with the set of cards in his hands. "Now these cards, I stole from some Asian man shortly before we hit the road, and I've been using them for me acts and tales ever since. I'm hurt none of ye ever came to watch." a laugh that resembled a howl followed as Matthias showed the group five cards: the King, the Queen, the Jack, the Joker and the Ace.

"Now, the story I'm about to tell hails from a faraway land called Markovia, between Symkaria and Latveria. You see, this Queen of Markovia was at war with Symkaria and the only way she could end the war, was to marry the prince of the enemy, and all the things that come with that marriage. The older ones amongst you..." For a moment he was silent and looked over to Yalene and then the others "might be familiar with the other... pleasures of the flesh, to call it so, accompanied with this holy bond. Of course the Queenie doesn't much like the idea." He held up the card picturing the Queen "So it is the night before the wedding, and our little lady is sitting on the throne all by herself, when in comes the Joker, cackling with madness." Now, he held up the Joker card "Many carnal thoughts later, the two fell in love. Aha!" He screamed with joy and jumped on "But our resident Jack and King aren't really into all this and plan on invading the Markovian Castle at the strike of midnight. But it is when our lovely Joker turns out the be the Ace, king of Latveria, that the villains are defeated and he and the Queen live happily ever after, with two daughters."

"Of course, I spared ye all the violent ending where yours truly rapes the Princesses, murders the Ace and sires the Queen. Ah... Celeste, those were the good old days." He looked up at the group "So any praises, comments, questions. I'm here all night."

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