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On The Road To Nowhere: The Beginning
Yalene quirked an eyebrow, “I would ‘ope ye leave out the ‘orrible endin’ when ye regale the crowds with the tale as well.” She brought her legs up and crossed them, sitting precariously on the log, “Was expectin’ a tale filled with much more bloodshed, t’be ‘onest! I ‘ave sea tales that are more violent than what ye just told.” Yalene was impressed with the way he had told the tale, but hadn’t been expecting it to be as non-violent as it was…even with the ending he had supposedly left out it still wasn’t the worst she had ever heard.
“’Course, I won’t be regalin’ ye with any o’those tales. Not in this black night.” The sea scamp looked over at Mila, “I’ve a little bird that told me Lady Mila ‘as quite a tale t’tell.” She gave the seamstress a wide grin, cocking her head to the side.

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