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On The Road To Nowhere: The Beginning
Tatyana cleared her throat just slightly and placed her plate next to her.
"Then I am but a child amongst you. My views and opinions and tales would be nothing but silly childrens tales used to lull a babe to sleep." she looked at Matthias, then at Milla before letting her gaze rest on the fire.
"I have seen much, I have been countless places, but I can only imagine they barely begin to compare with the things you have. I've never been on a ship.." she glanced up at Yalene and smiled softly before looking at the fire again... "and I've never met a giant before.." again, she glanced at Liath with curiousity.
" I cannot see where the tales of a gyspy would entertian anyone. Which is most likely why I stick to dancing and singing and reading the cards."
Perhaps she wasn't ready to tell her tale to the group. She knew Matthias had seen the scars on her bosom but felt he would not reveal her secret just yet.
Drawing her legs up to her, she wrapped her arms around her them and let her chin rest atop knees and continued to gaze at the fire.

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