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Chapter One: The Watch
Peter followed the others as Dr. Strange gave his little speech to the new face among them. He wasn't really listening. Most of it he already knew and that which was new information he wasn't all that interested in. His focus was else where. Though his mask was pointing the in the direction of Stephen Strange, his eyes were on Tessa. She had told the newbie earlier that he was the only one among them that was not a mutant. It was...strange to say the least. At home, had he shown so much as his masked face in public, the people would be on him in moments, as would the authorities. Taking the costume off wouldn't have helped either. Wherever he went, he was marked as a mutant, an inferior, someone who needed to be disposed of or feared. And yet, Tessa didn't know. Heck none of them did. He knew that for the most part it was because he hadn't exactly been open with his teammates. but they hadn't really bothered to find out about his mutant heritage, nor did they seem to care. It was as if whether he was a mutant or not was completely irrelevant to them. It felt...comforting.
Peter's eyes left Tessa to examine their surroundings, but only for a moment. Soon, they were on Victoria as she spoke, part of which he could relate to. Here he was being asked to fight to help worlds, but the moment he got home he would be right back in the middle of the mutant war. Then he would be called again, then sent back into battle. He would never know a moments peace, a time to rest. Though, in all honesty he wasn't to familiar with that term to begin with. It was going to be tough yes, but he knew that if he had the power to make a difference, he couldn't ignore it. Taking in a deep breath, Peter let his gaze rest on the caped Sorcerer and waited for their mission to begin.

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