06-24-2004, 11:42 PM
Cam frowned at Vicki, then just shook his head. "Ach well, at least she's mare honest aboot her feelin's than yer mither. Although seeing this reaction, ah'm perhaps relieved that she had some level o' self control. Ah would imagine faerie pee is even harder tae shift than the canine variety." He said as he began removing the bedding. "Plus ah would have had tae put up with strangers takin' an unnatural interest in mah bed... probably." He looked over at AJ as he gathered the sheets into a pile on the floor. "Is that an invitation?" he asked with a wink. "If so it sounds like a grand idea. Let's get these things tae the laundry first though. Wouldnae want anyone tae accuse us o' nae being responsible!"