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Chapter One: The Watch
Victoria watched the scene between Spider-Man and Rogue play out with mild amusement. Irritation was more to the kin of the feeling, but she pushed it off.
"Look sweetheart, I hate to sound all negative nancy about this, but if you had planned on keeping your "problem" a secret...then perhaps taking Dr. Strange up on his offer and joining a team wasn't the wisest move."
Crossing her arms over her chest, Victoria gauged the reaction from each of her team members to the statement she had just made.
"I've lost entirely too many teammates in the line of duty to have to deal with a weeping willow day one." She looked at Tessa squarely in the eye for a moment and arched her brow.
"Come on, I know I sound like Kyle, but admit it, even as much as I hate to, he was right to a point. Besides, I've had fits and breakdowns myself, but could you imagine every time I let the Phoenix loose if I did "THAT?" Someone's gotta calm the girl down or she's a liability off the start. "
Losing Scott had hurt, badly. Moreso maybe than Victoria herself was willing to admit. She still felt him with her, to some aspect and his blood ran through her veins. But she was bound and determined not to lose another team member. And in his own perverse way, Kyle had always been right. Loath as she was to admit it, she herself was a major liability to the team.
Those days were gone now...Victoria was much more than the scared girl who had been ripped from a lab more than a year ago. She had grown, developed her powers, become the person she had wanted to, not the person Sinister had created. Sam had even taught her that was just all too soon after all this...and seeing this woman break down infront of her after everything they had been through, before the first task had been set before them, was enough to irritate Victoria to no end.
Her eyes locked with Hank's yellow ones and she smiled. She knew he could feel and hear everything she was thinking and the emotions that were rolling through her. It was hard enough dealing with the louder than ever voice of the Phoenix in her head, now this.
"Maybe we should just sneak off home and introduce you to Piotr and Kitty, would be alot less painful."

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