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Victoria-You can never go home again-The Watch v1.1
Part Two

"So, when was the last time I took you out for dinner." Peter smiled at Victoria as she ran a hand through her mussed white hair.
It was a small sofa pillow that slapped him in the face.
"Parker, you jerk! You've stood me up more times than I care to count. Let's see, the last time was...working on finals before graduation, I was doing a paper on Atomic Energy and you were supposed to meet me for dinner and showed up, umm...two hours late?" Shaking her head Victoria stood up and stretched, letting out a bit of a yawn.
"Oh yeah, something came up...ok, You get some sleep Princess, I've gotta head to work. I'll be by here at 8 and dinner's on me. And I promise. 8!" Peter gave Victoria a kiss on the cheek as he stood at the door for a moment watching her.
"I really have missed you." he smiled again and closed the door behind him.

It took all of about 5 seconds for Victoria to find her bed and collapse in it. Even though she had missed hers and Peter's late night chat sessions, she was still pretty beat from the last assignment and needed some sleep.
"8:00 pm Parker, and if you're so much as an hour late, I'm unleashing the Phoenix on you." she murmurred as she fell into a fitful sleep.

But 8:00 pm came and went and Victoria was just getting dressed at 9 when a knock sounded on her door.
She quickly zipped up the back of the red halter knee length dress she had dug out of the closet and walked to the door.
"I'm not even going to ask, had to save a kitten from a tree, did you?" She smiled as she opened the door, Peter standing there with a single white rose in his hand.
"Actually...a tiger, but it's a long story. Wow Tory, amazing doesn't even begin.." he started before she rolled her eyes at him.
"Please, I haven't been out to dinner in a looooong time, don't spoil it by trying to smooth over the fact that you're late." she took the rose and let him in.
"Sweet.." she smiled at it before grabbing her heels and strapping them on.
"Oh, like you're even ready yet!" It was Peter's turn to throw a sofa pillow at her.
Victoria stood upright, smoothed her hair which was pulled back in an elegant french twist, small tendrils escaping it, and smiled.
"I knew you'd be late. I took my time. So, where are we off to?"
"The moon Alice, to tha moon." Peter snickered as she threw the pillow back at him.
Guiding Victoria out of the door, Peter did pose a serious question to her.
"What's your Hank going to think about this?" His arm going around her waist to guide her down the stairs.
"Hank's off somewhere, either still on assignment or at home sorting out stuff, and honestly, I don't know what he'll think...he's been...distant with me lately. Ever since...well...we haven't....Peter, I'd rather not talk about it right now." Her brown eyes looked up at him and he saw a bit of sadness mirrored in them.
"Hey, not tonight Princess, You're home, you're alive and life is wonderful. So, pizza and skeeball or wine and sorbet? Choice is yours."
Victoria just laughed at him and shook her head.
"I can soo beat you at Skeeball."

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