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On The Road To Nowhere: The Beginning
"Yes, yes!" Matthias cackled in his constantly detoriating delirium as his fingers digged into the cold earth "She's here, and I'll live." As he continued to dig he looked around in a paranoid fashion "To hell with the bloody rules, I'll live." Getting closer and closer to the remains of the woman, Matthias could smell the dried up blood by her neck and it was another sensation that befell his body "Yes." he said, his finger running down her cheek. With his growing anxiety, a pain stabbed in his head for a split-second as his face again twisted in form and transformed into the monsterly visage of the ridged brows. "No, must torch the body."

His walk wobbly, Matthias reminded himself of how many vampire rules he was probably breaking Not just a soul, but the Anagog mark. It's like fate is making me out to be bloody Cain. He made a little circle around the body, collecting small pieces of wood and grass and placing them on the body. Slowly, the body was covered in tinder and any other flammable materials he could find, with a few branches next to it.

After placing the needed materials on the body, Matthias started to create his fire, by rubbing two sticks together, hoping it would work. His plan to light the branches, and then use the branches to set the bed of tinder alight.

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