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Chapter Two: Black as Night
Tessa sighed deeply, “ So you think I’m really in that much danger?” She finally asked ‘Toria, “I recognize him, I just want to hear him speak again, I need to place his voice to a face. It’s a personal thing.” Tessa knew that her offensive capabilities were nowhere near the rest of the teams, but she could make up for that if it came down to it.
“Please, I’ll leave an audio link open, I’ve already mapped out this entire room and the exits that I’ll be able to use if that’s at all necessary.” She knew that ‘Toria was concerned, possibly Hank as well, but Tessa was used to being at a disadvantage physically and offensively…She could cope, plus, if she stayed she might be able to get information that would be useful in their endeavor.
“I won’t let him hurt me, I can think faster than he can attack, no doubt. Which means any type of move he makes to harm me I’ll be three thoughts ahead of him, at least.” Tessa continued, “Or, you could keep Paige in here with me, she’s husked herself into wood. I’ve gone through all the vampire lore I know and that’s nearly a constant in all mythology. She can stick her arm through his chest if he gets aggressive.” She commented, hoping that her teammate would have enough faith in her to let her gain some intel if possible.

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