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Chapter Two: Black as Night
“Barry, move back a couple steps.” Tessa warned, her mind had already run through quite a few different scenarios, some were in favor of Barry’s strength and some were not so in favor of them. Even with super-speed he was putting himself out on a limb, if the red devil caught the teenager off guard he would be overwhelmed, at least she was 90% certain. So far Barry hadn’t shown any immense amounts of training, other than racing off without a second thought, and Tessa had to question his intelligence…she had wanted to stay in the room, but she planned on staying a safe distance away, not outstretching her hand and offering this creature her name.
“Just to make me feel more at ease.” Her tone had a hard edge to it as she spoke; she was still trying to judge how much of a liability this youth was going to be to their operations, offering his hand to a vampire, he might as well have offered his neck.

“And you were worried I’d get myself in trouble.” She commented to Victoria dryly, “I have the good sense not to get that close.” Tessa made a motion with her hand, indicating Barry, even with her intelligence she had never been able to fathom the mind of a teenage boy and how it worked, Barry no doubt thought he was being cautious, while all Tessa could see was him putting his young life in danger.
“Excuse Barry, he’ll be moving away, won't you Barry.” Tessa addressed the red devil and the speedster, “Move. Two steps back. Give the vampire room. You won’t help matters by introducing yourself.” She told Barry telepathically, her mental voice nearly as hard edged as her spoken voice was at this point. Tessa knew she was reiterating her earlier words; she was doing so in hopes that the young speedster would listen to her.
“ I’m asking you to move for your own good. Do you know who this man is? In my reality he is known as Daredevil, the blind hero, you don’t get that much renown without being good at what you do. I’m sure this man is just as talented, even if he is a vampire, now do you think your talents and strengths can match up to his if he catches you off guard?” It was an honest question, Tessa was certain his strengths wouldn’t match the devils, but she wanted to hear Barry’s answer.

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