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Chapter Two: Black as Night
Paige allowed Tessa to take hold of her arm, taking the hint that she wasn’t needed or wanted for help at that moment. This wasn’t the first time Paige had ever gotten the kid treatment, of the first time Paige had ever dealt with some with a ‘hero’ mentality after all she grew up with a big brother who thought he’d created the word. “Fine.” The petite blond muttered moving out of the room and into the hallway, her eyes blazing with unspoken anger at having yet again been unable to do something heroic or helpful for the team. Yuh know some members of this team could put Sammy t’ shame. Paige thought bitterly to herself, making sure to block her thoughts from being able to be read by either of the telepaths.

“Brilliant, so we all sit back and watch as yet again Victoria does all the work…” Paige quipped to whomever might have been in the hallway with her.

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