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Chapter Two: Black as Night
Barry sat on the ground, shaking, his super senses still having trouble progressing the information that he got saved, that his powers didn't help him out, and that he had pissed someone off, that he genuinely didn't want to see this angry. He just couldn't help being who he was.

Slowly, he stood up, looking at the pile of dust. Someone else, maybe one of her friends, would tend to Victoria, she really didn't need to hear his apology right now. Scratching the back of his head, Barry looked over to the others still in the room, and stood up. Looking away ashamed, the words were slowly spoken "I uhhhh... I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I... should've... should've been there for you guys. I just... God, I'm going to get some air. I'll be downstairs." he said as he walked off, not wanting to use his speed right now, going for the stairs.

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