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Fantastic Four-Reviews and Movie Info
Posted 16/07/2004
Source CBR

Mister Fantastic himself, Ioan Gruffudd, spoke to Empire Online about his perceptions of the upcoming Marvel adaptation. "There's quite a bit of comedy in this," Gruffudd said, "and there's that romance between Reed and Sue Storm. And there are four of us, so we're all relying on each other. I have no idea where the script is going to go, but there's certainly plenty of action and us getting a chance to use our superpowers. It's going to be interesting because there are so many fans out there of the original and what they do and I hope they try to remain true to the comic." When asked about costumes, he replied possibly sarcastically, "Yes, it's going to be a traditional, Spandex, blue Lycra suit with black leather boots. So I'm looking forward to that." Gruffudd admitted to letting the Grecian Formula go: "I think the idea will be that once they're exposed to the radiation up in space that turns them into the Fantastic Four, as a result of that I'll start to have the greying hair. But I think it'll be subtler than it is in the comic books. More dignified, like George Clooney!"

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