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The Field Trip
“This is worse than being worked by a wave!” Kei muttered, as she struggled to keep her composure as Chandi let the Jet go, they would definitely make it back to Twilight Cove in record time, whether they made it back in one piece was the predominant question.
“John, De, if ya make it back and I don’t, tell Marco Rodriguez of Honolulu that I appreciate everythin’ he’s done for me!” She then proceeded to recite the phone number of her ex-boyfriend’s apartment, “He’ll want to know what happened to me.” She was being mellow-dramatic, but she wasn’t used to how this Jet flew, and it definitely was worse than being worked by a wave, it was like somebody was trying to detach her flesh from her bones, not a nice feeling…and her eyes were starting to water.
“Couldn’t ya let off, I’d really like to live to see another day as far as surfin’ goes, twenty-seven is too young to die.”

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