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Chapter Two: Black as Night
Peter rose from his defense position, his gaze falling upon his teammates and then down to the remaints of their former antogonist. He couldn't say that he was truely surprised when he linked the voice of the Vampire to Matt Murdock a.k.a. the Daredevil. The sadistic tone in its voice, its lust for blood, the vampire's traits were very similiar to that of the mutant killing Daredevil he had faced back home, as was its fate.
"Ashes to ashes Matt."
Peter's attention was torn from the pile of ash as Victoria vented her rage and frustration with the situation, clearly not bothering to keep any of it in check. She was quick to storm out of the room as soon as her as her rant ended. Barry soon followed, clearly shaken from what had just occured. On the upside it had helped shown him how serious the situation was, but the cost nearly became unacceptable. He would have to talk with the boy. Paige looked as though she just wanted her space, which the spider was willing to let her have. Right now he was more concerned with Victoria. Something was bugging her, other than their pathetic team work. The aura that he had seen surrpunding her hands only furthered his worry. He began to follow after her, making it a few feet from the door when Tessa's telepathic message stopped him in his tracks, not that it was hard to miss.
He understood Tessa's frustration. They were working on little to none intel at the moment. All he had configured from their recent events was that their were vampires in the city, obviously lots of them, judging from the way the people scurried for shelter, and that they were working for 'The Master.' Tessa, of course, was thinking logically, bringing it to everyone's attention that a game plan was needed and that they needed to get working on the game plan. He agreed with that. But one of the things that had grown to bother him when it came to Tessa was that she seemed to let her logic and her intellectual thinking keep her from feeling. It was as if her emotions ceased to exist, as if she stopped being human.
"I don't think it'll have to come to that, Ms. Tessa."
With that he continued after Victoria, reaching the pale skinned heroine in mere moments.
"Wanna talk?"
The masked spider waited for her reply as he clung to the wall next to her.

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