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Chapter Two: Black as Night
Tessa looked from one teammate to the other, finally focusing on Paige, as she was the instigator of the episode, “Where in your thought process did you think that cuffing Rogue would be of any help to our situation?” Tessa asked her coolly, folding her arms over her chest. She marked the incident down in her mind, and made a note to watch Rogue and Husk when they were in the same room together, she also made a note never to leave them alone.
“Are the both of you alright? If you are, then we can continue trying to get a plan put together. As far as groups, I don’t want anybody going anywhere until we have some more information.” She looked at the remainder of the group seriously, “Now, I’m going to check and see if there is any working phone line left in this building that I can hack into for internet purposes, and I don’t trust leaving the two of you alone.” Tessa gave a mental sigh, “So, we’re relocating to where I can find a phone jack, Norrin isn’t enough of an intermediary to keep my common sense from screaming bad idea.” Tessa glanced into the room where Hank was still residing, “And seeing as Hank is caught up in his own world, I feel as if I need to play baby-sitter to the two of you, is that understood? If either of you so much as raise a finger in an aggressive way I will not be afraid to take disciplinary action.” She let that hang in the air for a moment before moving on.

It wasn’t nearly Black Queen level attitude, but it was the shadowing of her personality when she was deadly serious and frustrated, without actually showing either of those emotions too dominantly. She couldn’t help but realize though that this Paige had done something her Sam was known for doing, acting before thinking, it was intriguing to realize that perhaps that was a universal Guthrie trait no matter what reality you were from.
“Do either of you have anything helpful to contribute, or would you both like to sit on your asses in silence for a couple more minutes? It would be a waste of time, but seeing as this is not a dictatorship I have no say over what you do and when…just the ability to suggest what should be done.” She gave them both a smile, though it didn’t completely reach her eyes, in fact, it looked like a smile simply put on for show.

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