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The Watch - Out of Character Thread
Oh Truth I’m sorry, didn’t mean to leave you out!

Both TMT and Chanty are correct in their explanation of Paige’s actions, basically Paige needed to hit someone…and yes Hank was in the room with her BUT Paige sees Hank as an authority figure plus he was the first leader not to treat her like a child back in the previous game SO she wouldn’t go hitting him. Paige also wouldn’t attack Victoria because like Chanty said Paige isn’t crazy enough to do that, although I will STRESS that Paige is just as pissed off at Victoria as she is at Rogue. SO it was simply Paige having some hard feelings against Rogue AND the fact that she was the first person that Paige came into contact with…basically it was a case of Rogue being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now let my STRESS again for the fiftieth time it was not a personal attack on Nova, and frankly I think I’ve explained my character’s actions well enough…and everyone else that knows my character fairly well has explained why they thought Paige hit Rogue. So in my opinion we really don’t have to talk it out much more.

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