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With the team gathered back on the island and Chandi still glowing about having flown the most high tech piece of equipment she ever had, the Guardians went about getting ready for their first real assignment.
The man sleeping on the sofa was still there and try as they might, he simply would not awaken.
With De and Kei manning the computer bays, 'Vok and AJ ransacking the weapons locker and finding all sorts of delightful laser guns, rocket launchers, and something that looked rather like a Star Trek phaser rifle, Chandi and Cameron were left getting the Jet prepared for the assignment.
As the mission parameters finally appeared on screen, Kei smiled broadly and whirled the chair around several times.
"Woohoo! Hiroshima here we come!"

In the air, on their way and loaded down with enough weapons to supply the Iraqis, the team began the 3 hour flight to Hiroshima. De and Kei again manned the onboard computer bays, Chandi in the pilot's chair and AJ as her co-pilot, it left Cameron and 'Vok strapped in for dear life and praying to the saints to perserve them from the two women at the helm.
Intel began spilling in over the computers on Hiroshima, site of a nuclear bomb drop and still dealing with radioactivity all these years later, it was one message that caught De's eye and made him voice a concern to the group.
Addressing 'Vok, he questioned rather breezily..."Mate, that rocket think it can take out a bird as big as Godzilla?" before 'Vok could even answer, De continued..."cause if not, then I think we need a bigger gun."
The picture on the monitor behind him was a live satalite shot of the outskirts of Hiroshima...and as audio crackled and popped to life, a tell-tale sound crossed the airwaves. One that had been heard by most of the team, in countlessly badly made Japanese monster movies.

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