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Chapter Two: Black as Night
"I'm not saying you don't have a right to be angry. Blow off some steam. Be as angry as you like. I'm just saying don't let your anger get the best of you. I don't want to see yo-"
Peter's reply to Victoria was interupted by Tessa's telepathic message, and even though it was an urgent one, he was hesitant to leave. He was becoming increasingly concerned with Victoria. She had been put through a lot of pain and grief, both on her home world and during these reality hopping missions, and it was taking a toll on her. The wall clinging spider watched Victoria as she gave him one last look before taking off to help Hank. The spider soon followed her lead, heading towards the roof.
Peter joined the rest of his teammates as they watched Hank ward off the attacks from their new mystery man. The masked hero wanted to help but Victoria discouraged them all from doing so, pointing out that Hank obviously didn't need it. And she was right. Peter looked on as the man's bullet did little if any damage to the green exterior of Mr. McCoy. That seemed to get the attacker's attention, as he ceased his assualt and called his friends out of hiding.
Peter kept quiet as the leader of the Punishers introduced himself. It was a name that he recognized instantly. Frank Castle a.k.a. the Punisher, on his world anyways. Back home Frank had made an oath to bring down Osborn permanently after his wife and two kids had been killed in a mutant man hunt led by the President's star spangled lacky. Castle was an expert with any kind of weapon, and this version appeared no different. Frank never missed, not one shot. It was part of the reason he was so sure he could bring Osborn down. And so after months of planning and preperation, Frank went after Norman Osborn. He got close too, closer than most people had ever gotten. But close only gets you so far, and as punishment for his assassination attempt, Frank Castle was beheaded on live TV.
Peter had little time to dwell on the man's past any further for the team was soon moving back into what little shelter the interior of the building provided. He made his way to the far wall in the room they had stopped to converse in and listened as everyone attempted to sort things out.

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