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Chapter Two: Black as Night
Tessa stashed the pistol for now, giving ‘Toria a half-smile her dark blue eyes seeming to twinkle behind her specs, “Would you have let me live if I told you that I was beginning to see similarities between Kyle and yourself?” She questioned the other woman mentally, “I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to the same conclusion I had come to.” She let her usual expression fall back into place, “No rush to explain, ‘Toria, but I appreciate you telling me I’ll get filled in on what has been going on with you.” Tessa finished, then looked at Barry.
“That actually is a fairly brilliant idea, but with only portions of the text translated it may not be powerful enough to wipe out an entire city of vampires. Now, I could attempt to translate the rest, but I hardly think the Punishers trust me enough to give me the original text to work with.” She brushed her dark hair away from her face, looking at Castle as he came back into their presence. Tessa bit back her question, knowing that this man didn’t like the quizzical type, and she most certainly fell under that category.
“I’m sure we all appreciate the inclusion in your group.” Tessa commented, “But I must warn you, you may regret including me. I tend to ask a lot of questions, something you don’t seem particularly fond of.” The shadow of a smirk crossed her lips before she glanced at Victoria.
“Care to make a wager on how long he’ll last before I make him snap completely with my constant need for information?” She joked mentally, hoping that her friend would find the same amusement in the thought, “Not that I’m going to purposely irritate this poor man…” Tessa trailed off.

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