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Chapter Two: Black as Night
"What if we had someone like Victoria send out the message telepathically to all the vamps on the island? Do you think you've got enough juice to do that Victoria?" Norrin wasn't entirely sure what his teammate was capable of, but it sounded like a good idea to him at the time. "We could try Barry's idea and I'm sure that would wipe out a major portion of them. Then we could do my idea and it wouldn't be as hard to sort through all the minds."
Norrin spouted out his idea not even sure if repeating the formula telepathically would work. It might have no effect on them if not spoken orally. "We could split into two different teams. One team could have Tessa, half of the Watch, and half of the Punishers. They could handle the technical side of things with the satellites and all that jazz, while Victoria and the other half of both teams take care of the mental and mystical part of the task. Does anyone else think the combination of the two ideas would work, or am I just waisting time coming up with half-cocked ideas?"
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH

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