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On The Road To Nowhere: The Beginning
Yalene eyes glowed a dangerous red as she looked at Romidia, “Filthy creature.” She spat, letting a flame ignite on the ground close to the prankster’s feet and then quickly smothering it, “I think ye should tie ‘er up. Throw ‘er in the nearest pond mayhap…” The young woman let her words hang in the air as she stomped back over to the fireside and got nose to nose with the fairy.

She said a few words in her native Greek and backed away, taking a seat by the fire and moving to re-tie one of her many braids. The young sailor had been sleeping peacefully before the tent came down around her, and if it was one thing that was true about the usually high-spirited Greek it was that she did not appreciate being roused in such an unceremonious way.

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