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Field Trip-The Prelude

"...and then he just handed this to me and told me to get it to you. Normally I'd tell someone like that to just sod off, but somethin' told me he and his mates weren't the type to take that in the good spirit its intended."

Amy said to De and Shy as he read thru the files she had given him. Shyanne was seated in the living room while De and Aims spoke in the kitchen, the young blonde mutant perched upon his counter, her feet swinging back and forth slightly. She seemed out of place in the presence of the Niles, De's 6'3" frame and Shy's own 5'11" making the fair skinned woman's 5'3" seem almost dismal. And where the brother and sister pair both dressed somewhat professionally, De constantly clad in suits and Shy clothes of a similar fashion, Amy dressed as she always had, super baggy jeans over a pair of worn gym shoes and a white belly tee with the word "Love" written across its front doing little to convince anyone that she was actually a government agent who dealt with demons and vampires and the like on an almost daily basis.

"So what's it about?" She asked as she leaned forward on her perch a bit, trying to catch a glimpse over the top edge of the file.

"Some type of team deal being done over in the US looks like. Some bird by the name of Cooper and a little talk of "Specialized Individuals and Resources" being brought in. Whatever that's supposed to mean. If I'm interested I'm ta report to some tomorrow!?! Aims when did you get this!" De asked almost indignantly as he tore his eyes up from the paper to meet hers.

"Like I said...last week. But you were no where to be found."

De's gaze immediately shifted to where Shy sat, though she was no where to be seen thanks to her having slid down on the sofa and out of sight.

"Stupid sister drug me out of town, she did. Shy! Pack me a bag! And pack it right 'cuz so help me if you screw this up..."

He didn't have to wait long for a responce as she reappeared from off the floor and headed to his room muttering something under her breath. De returned his attention back to the file, wondering all of a sudden why it is he wanted to check this team out when he had been home not even two full days. Could it have been he missed the whole team experience? Or perhaps he simply wanted to know what this Valerie woman looked like. Whatever the reason he knew for sure one main incentive for him to go. Quickly was approaching a time when all hell was going to break loose in his life, and if he was half a world away then maybe....juuuusssst maybe...he'd be safe from it.



...his voice cried out as he saw himself for the first time after his brief shower. He had long ago found a type of dye that would allow him to color his hair in a short amount of time and his sister had taught him how to do it in the shower as well. Unfortunately, his sister was also the one who had bought this particular hair dye. But even with how much he knew she hated him....he never once thought her capable of this. Not of this.

De rarely looked in the mirror before a shower anymore, a bad experience with a vampire, a bottle of lotion, and a "back massager" having taught him better. Plus with his dyeing method the only time he got to see the end result was after the shower anyway, but what he saw today was almost to horrible for him to comprehend. The method itself had worked, as had the dye, both his eyebrows and hair once again the same color with no hint of his roots in sight. But they color they were....the color they were....

For almost 15 years he had been dyeing his hair Red # 65 without once letting it get to the point where his hair was more black than red. He had bought suits, shirts, ties, sunglasses, and even a pair of handcuffs to match, all in the name of helping to further his reputation of the "red haired devil". But this day what he saw in the was as if he had lost a part of himself.

Purple. Somehow, at some point, somewhere....she had switched his red dye out for Purple. PURPLE!!. He owned no purple suits or shades. Shirts or underwear. Handcuffs or shoes. Nor did he want to. How could anyone walk about in that much purple without looking like some type of corny supervillainy clown? But here he the middle of the ocean...with a head full of purple hair.

He stormed out the washroom without fully drying off and phased himself right through the room's door and out into the hallway, looking about for Valerie Cooper so he could plead his case and hopefully be provided transport back to the mainland to buy a decent dye. De found himself back downstairs and walking about the main foyer before long, muttering and mumbling to himself about all the low down dirty dispicable things his family members did to one another and how this topped the list. He knew that if he could find Coop he'd be able to convince her. Just as he knew that once her got his hands on Shy he'd choke the life outta her.

What he didn't seem to know that he had stormed out of his room completely naked.

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