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Field Trip-The Prelude
Kei quirked an eyebrow at Nathaniel as they reached the door to the bases main foyer, “You better hold true to that! Don’t mind bein’ naked in front of people but you walk in when I’m undressing and so help me I will make beloved parts of your body explode very painfully.” She shifted her towel and rashguard to her other hand and opened the door stepping inside a couple of feet and then halting.
“Oh my god!” She breathed her eyes falling on the tall; purple haired, naked black man, “Think I found another teammate…or big foot…” Kei tore her eyes away from De to glance back at Nathaniel, attempting to harness her laughter that was bubbling up inside her chest, “You have got to see this!” She turned her head back around and continued to stare at De’s naked body.

Leaning her surfboard against the wall she dropped her rashguard beside it all the while keeping her eyes glued to De, this was mostly definitely the most interesting thing to happen since she reached this island.
“Looks like you need this.” She commented offering her beach towel to him, “Unless you’re a nudist and then you probably don’t…” Kei couldn’t hold it anymore she gripped her sides as she broke into hysterical giggles her gaze finally breaking away from De’s figure. It was the hair that set it off it was just so absurd! The purple color was reminding her of a certain dinosaur, “I’m Kei by the way,” She managed through her sniggers; arm still outstretched with the beach towel in hand as her gaze landed on him once again.
“And who’re you?” She asked him as her laughter subsided.

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