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“She’s been blasted, that’s for sure.” Kei commented as she concentrated on helping Cameron patch up AJ’s wing, “If she starts bleedin’ I’m gonna hafta pass out…fear of blood and all.” The Hawaiian/Japanese had offered her help but figured if it got too bad for her neurotic mind Cam would be able to patch their teammate up without her help.
“Or retreat, I haven’t decided which would be more effective yet.” Kei sat back and looked over the work that they had done on AJ, figuring it would be ok, it wasn’t the first time she’d had to help with a wound and somehow she thought it was fate or karma or something trying to get her over her fear of blood.


“Izzo got completely drilled on that last wave!” Maria hollered from the water, trying to contain her laughter, “He bannocked his knee somethin’ fierce.” The petite Spanish girl dropped her short board on the sand and dropped down next to Kei, “He’s bein’ all manly about it and refusing to get it looked at.” Maria rolled her eyes, looking out into the waves.
“Izzo ain’t exactly a genius, he’s a step ahead of a kook when it comes to judgin’ the surf.” Kei commented, “Come all the way up to the North Shore for a weekend and he forgets his surfin’ etiquette.” She noticed that the South African had exited the water and was making his way up the beach, his left knee gashed open and dripping.
“Got rag-dolled.” Izzo said as he set the board down and stood in front of the two girls, “Carly ordered me outta the water, and Halia said that you two need to patch me up.” Kei raised an eyebrow and looked at Maria, the smaller girl in turn started to rummage through their gear.
“I know Mendi brought her first aid kit, just need to find it.” She motioned for Izzo to take a seat.

Once the kit was found Maria patched Izzo’s leg up while Kei tried not to show weakness and bolt for the other side of the beach, she had dutifully wrapped the gauze after the stitching was done.
“Promise me you’ll get that looked at when we get back to Waikiki.” Maria said seriously, the nursing student in her coming out, “Or else you’ll be learnin’ how to surf one-legged.”


“I’m hittin’ the beach when we get back, the surf’s callin’ for me.” She informed the rest of the group, as she settled back, “can’t let myself get rusty.” Kei gave them all a big grin as she imagined being on the beach with her board, mentally visualizing the feel of the water as she paddled out.
“Just better not be stormin’.”

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