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Justice League Unlimited
You just know it is. As far as "second stringers" go, he and the Beetle had the type of friendship that would rival the likes of Barry Allen and Hal Jordan. Sure Bats and Supes are close, but every once in a while you come across two characters that are just so dynamically opposite, yet close as brothers that it's just a pleasure to read. Booster and Beetle were those types of my eyes anyway.

I mean here's Booster running off chasing scheme after scheme, and yet somehow or another he always managed to drag along sensible minded, level headed Beetle for the ride. And you just knew that if one got hurt, the other was going to be about a hair away from killing someone. Case in point, when Doomsday nearly killed Beetle, Booster was livid, ready to take on a foe he knew he had no chance of beating and ready to fight to the death.

Seeing the two of them together in an episode would be a great tribute to those days.

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