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After Japan-Assignment Drunken Pirate Party!
"You do know I said rubber bands and not 'scrunchies' right Pet?" De asked half jokingly as he started to head towards the stairs, his hands already pulling his hair back into what would become a makeshift ponytail. "I may enjoy the finer points of female fashion and all but I ain't 'bout ready to go full on drag Pet, not full on drag."

He finished as he made his way up the stairs an into her room. He stood just inside the doorway for a few moments as he contemplated where exactly she may have stashed such bands, his eyes not detecting any in plain sight. Walking further in he looked over her nightstand and then opened the door to her washroom, thinking that the surface of her sink or stand might garner one. Not seeing one on either he began to run through the list of other possible locations.

"Well let's see... Top drawer's probably where the bird keeps her spare brushes and bands and whatnot. Next is probably knickers, followed by tops, then gawd knows what. So starting from the bottom seems like the only logical choice..."

He said aloud in a quiet voice as eh gazed a her dresser. It was, after all, the only senible plan of action he could come up with. He was a guy after all so looking in the smart place first was simply to much like the right thing to do. Wiggling his fingers in grubby, highly misplaced testosterone fueled anticipation, he approached the multitiered wooden house of all of Pet's frilly things. It was only as he got within inches of it was he forced to stop dead in his tracks, one of the bands for which he sought sitting there in plain sight upon the top of the dresser. Hard to explain his going through her things when what he was after was sitting right there in his face.

Scooping it up and using it to tie his hair back he stood there muttering a bit. Partially because of a missed opportunity, and partly because he'd snaged one lock of hair on the band and it had hurt like a motherfu(heylookatthepuppy!!) It wasn't to major a loss though. With any luck he could take her out sometime and get her right proper sloshed to the point where he'd get a private show.

The thought of it brought a smile to his face as he made his way back downstairs and into the commons, nice and satisfied that his purple mane would be out of his way for the evening and that he hadn't done anything he'd possibly need to explain or apologize for latter.

"So do we have a destination in mind for tonight's romp, thanks Pet, or are we just going close down pub after pub until we get arressted?"

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