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Chapter Two: Black as Night
Breathing a sigh of relief as Vance wheeled around and shot the leering vampire through the heart, Paige made a mental note to stay close to him. She wasn’t new to battle not one bit, but she was new to fighting the undead, and Vance knew what the hell he was doing and she didn’t. So when it doubt Paige figured stick close to someone who’ll have your back when you’re to busy trading glares with the creatures to realize your life is on the line.

Wondering for a moment where her nerve had gone, she used to be the spitfire that when it doubts would deck a man with her combat boot to save a teammate and had for the first mission been the ‘muscle’ so to speak, where’d that girl go? Had she been replaced with someone who realized she was only mortal and could die easily…had it been the fact that she found out her world wasn’t gone that gave her reason to be cautious with her life now?

Whatever the reason was Paige knew she needed some of the spitfire back, she couldn’t rely on Pete Wisdom to give her courage and she couldn’t replace Pete with Vance. She needed to dig deep down inside of her petite frame and find that passion and courage inside her again, the courage that had helped her secure the leadership position on Gen-X and that same passion that had made the always ‘cool’ Jonothan Starsmore fall for her.

Paige was determined to find that part of herself again, to throw caution to the wind and fight for herself and stop letting her insecurities to force her to take refuge in her teammates or Vance. She knew she could fight on her own and hold her own in a fight, she had before and would again. She just needed to break down that wall of fear that had erected itself around her, she was a Guthrie after all and they weren’t known for being careful and cautious.

“Thanks.” Paige breathed giving Vance a small smile before focusing her attention on another vampire, staying just in sight of Vance but far enough away to make her feel independent and self-reliant. Her stance now more confidant and her hands no longer shaking she aimed the gun at the next vampire and pulled the trigger, her eyes never leaving her victim her stare steely and harsh. Paige wasn’t going to let herself be the damsel anymore, she was made of tougher stuff then that.

As her gaze swiftly left the now dead vampire’s, Paige saw the faint glow that had formed around Victoria and had to shiver slightly. If the Phoenix was coming out to play things were going to get messy or more so then they already were.

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