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On The Road To Nowhere: The Beginning
The little imp’s blue gaze did not faze Mila, nor was she going to let the creature off easy. Though she was pleased when she rebuilt Yalene’s tent, and waited for the little creature to heed Liath’s words and tell them about what it was the townsfolk kept at bay. “Do not test our patient little one.” Mila warned her hands on her hips as she waited for Romidia to inform them of what the townsfolk had ‘forgotten’ to tell the traveling group.

Noticing that Tatyana had made her way back to the camp Mila was relieved, for the ancient Greek did not trust Matthias and was always cautious about her companions being alone with him. “Yes it seems there are many of them, though this little one was just about to inform us that their or creatures we should fear more then her kind.” Mila spoke to the gypsy, giving her a small smile before fixing her gaze on Romidia again.

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