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Chapter Two: Black as Night
“Earplugs, he’s wearing earplugs. There is nothing wrong with the spell, It worked perfectly on the other two.” Tessa projected to Spider-Man mentally, careful to keep her thoughts guarded from Mad McCoy in the off chance that these vampires had telepathy, “ If you can get at least one out I should be able to destroy him with the incantation.” The cyberpath felt secure behind the barrier that Wong had created upon her request, still holding the gun in one hand as she continued to give Spider-Man instructions, “I’ve analyzed quite a bit of his movement, he’s predictable in he’ll attack like a vicious predator; he’s quick too, I narrowly escaped injury earlier.” Tessa looked at Wong briefly.
“Will this barrier hold long?” She asked him seriously, saving whatever unfinished data she had and closing the holographic windows she still had open. Pushing the frames up onto her head Tessa watched what was going on beyond the barrier with a keen eye. Noticing one very prominent thing that Spider-Man was using, and realizing they could use it to their advantage…hopefully.

“Spidey, your webbing, do you think you could aim for one or both of the earplugs and remove them?” Sage inquired of the wall-crawler, it wasn’t going to be easy even if Spider-Man said he was capable of it; but it was better than Spidey getting physically closer than needed to assist the cyberpath.
“With your agility, if you time it properly you could remove the plugs and vacate the room before McCoy had a chance to react to it.” Tessa said, her blue eyes still watching both creatures like a hawk, “But, I don’t foresee getting more than one chance at attempting this. McCoy was most probably a doctor before he was a vampire, which means the McCoy intelligence is still intact; He’d figure out our plan quite quickly.” Sage looked at Wong again, briefly wondering if she should let the Asian man know what she was attempting to do, and deciding that yes, she should let the Punisher know.
“So, can you do it?” She asked her teammate out loud, taking the time to give Wong a short synopsis of her intended plan of action.

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