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Chapter Two: Black as Night
The Surfer felt as if defeat was imminent. He could not remember a time before where he felt more vanquished than he did right now. I'm having little to no effect on Logan! The rest of the watch said that in their realities, I was one of the stronger beings they had ever encountered, and even I seem to be ineffective to this monstrosity! What hope do ANY of us have? Norrin's own self defeating thoughts were beginning to eat away at his confidence. He didn't know how much longer it would be before these demons of the night would claim him as one of their own. Just as he was about ready to accept defeat, some of the lesser Vampire lackeys jumped him from behind. "GET OFF OF ME!" They tried to sink their fangs into his neck, but as they came in contact with his shining skin, they found it's touch to have quite the adverse effect on them. "Someone had said earlier that vampires were hurt by silver! Perhaps I CAN still do something to aid my friends!" My attempt to use my board as a battering ram against Logan failed the first time. Perhaps with Blade's help, it won't fail twice. Norrin looked over at Blade who was struggling to fight off the horde of lesser vampires that they were being attacked by. Looks like I might have to help him if I am to expect his help with Logan. Norrin commanded his board once again to soar towards Logan. This time, however, over a dozen other vampires were in it's path. Maybe if I cut a path through the lackeys, the Punisher would be able to focus on their dark master with me. Lord, I hope this works.
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH

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