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Chapter Two: Black as Night
She felt like she’d been having an out of body experience, like she’d been standing on the outside watching herself fire round after round at the bloodsuckers. It had felt so surreal to Paige that she’d actually for once in her life not relied on her powers or fears to get her through a battle, okay so she’d started out scared and massively in doubt of her own abilities. But in the end she’d face that and come out on the other side better off then when she first started the mission. So as she stood staring at the piles of dust that now surrounded them Paige had to wonder momentarily what they would do now? Would they head back to the moon or stick around in this reality for a bit? Because truth be told Paige had hoped to spend a bit more time with Vance, because basically without him she probably wouldn’t have made it through the mission and finally owned up to the fact that she needed to start acting like a super hero and not so much like a scared teenager.

“What now?” Paige questioned as she put the safety back on and shoved the gun into the waist of her pants. Shifting her weight form foot to foot the blond had already husked back into her normal appearance, her blond hair disheveled from the battle and her blue eyes held a hint of tiredness in them. Paige was positive she wouldn’t forget some of the images from this mission to quickly, nor would she forget that not ever reality had a ‘nice’ version of her.

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