10-28-2004, 07:03 AM
As Norrin lay passed out on the ground his surfboard floated silently at his side. It was at it's normal postition floating approximately a foot off of the ground. It was slowly lowering itself, however and soon was laying flat on the ground. Nobody seemed to notice the board, though, as it appeared to melt into a silver puddle near the Surfer's head. Slowly, the liquid that was once Norrin's surfboard began to rise up off of the ground and take a humanoid shape. Within a few minutes, it looked like an exact replica of the body that lay beside it on the ground. It began to speak. "Hello Rogue. I am glad to see that you and the vampire slayer are unharmed. Is there any way that I can be of assistance?"
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH