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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
The stern expression that Logan bore did not change as Paige came towards him, extending her hand in a polite gesture of intoduction. His folded arms did not budge as his eyes looked down at the extended hand and then returned to meet the welcoming pair of blue eyes that stood before him. He had not recieved such a genuine attempt of kindness in a while. Most people he met harbored a strong sense of dislike for him. He was sure that she, as well as the others, would soon feel the same.
"The name's Logan."
The respnse held a tone of superiority and disgust towards Paige. He had no interest in making friends and it was best she knew it now, saving both of them the time from her trying again. A hint of anger suddenly flashed in his eyes as he felt a small finger lightly jab him in his side. His head snapped around to the owner of the annoyance.
"Touch me again, and you'll find yourself missing that finger."
The glare accompanied with the threat would easily show the pest that he was serious and willing to back up what he said.
"It would appear that some of them are going to be more...intolerable than others."

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