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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Paige had to fight of the giggles that threatened to surface at Victoria’s mental comment about Barry’s hormones. Don’t even make me think about that kid’s hormones. Paige mentally replied, holding a hand to her temple as if she were trying to force the thought out of her mind. Shifting her gaze towards the sword that hung at Victoria’s side Paige let out a little gasp of surprise, she recognized the sword but how did ‘Toria get it back. “Deadpool?” a little shiver ran down Paige’s spine as the mental image of Deadpool floated into her mind, after all it hadn’t ever been a secret that the man glad in black and red hadn’t ever been her favorite person.

As Victoria assumed the roll of telling Abbey the Why, where they were Paige’s mind drifted back to home and she absent mindedly began to slide her wedding ring on and off, an old habit that she hadn’t yet been able to get rid of. “Jono’s fantastic, though a bit envious that he couldn’t join us.” Paige paused for dramatic effect before replying to ‘Toria’s second half of her question. “Ah’m not at liberty t’ relinquish that information.” She gave a little wink and a smirk But if yuh must know ‘Toria, yes we did disappear for most of the week. Giggles bubbled up inside of Paige as she thought back to her week spent at home, going home had done the young girl a world of good. As Victoria mentioned that Hank must be sitting this mission out Paige could easily pick up on the fact that that thought upset the older woman a bit, and knowing that situation far to well Paige flashed Victoria a sympathetic smile. Don’t worry hun, ah’m sure wherever he is he’s missin’ yuh like crazy.

Having an approached the silent figure that she now knew as Logan, Paige didn’t budge when all she got back was an icy reply and an even colder glare. Bringing her hand back down to her side, Paige took on a stance that clearly showed she wasn’t prepared to back down or shrink away from Logan’s icy behavior. “Ah’ve got four brothers, so if yuh think that icy personality of yuh’re is goin’ t’ keep me from talkin’ t’ yuh then yuh’ve clearly never met a Guthrie.” Paige informed Logan, her tone holding it’s on fierceness to it. Though right as Paige finished her statement Barry sped over and poked Logan, which resulted in the older man threatening to remove Barry’s finger. “Barry, ah think yuh should rethink yuh’re form of greetin’ people.” The petite blond gave Barry a pointed look that clearly said ‘back off’. After all Logan looked like he was the type to kill first and think later. Paige let out a thankful sigh a Barry sped off again to harass the poor unsuspecting Abbey.

“Don’t mind him, nobody else does.” Paige turned her attention back towards Logan, with whom she was determined to break down his walls and force him to accept the fact that she wasn’t going to just leave him alone to be mister ‘tall, dark and broody.’ “So Logan, seein’ as we’re about t’ spend a good few months together yuh might as well face up t’ the fact that not everyone is scared away by a fierce look and cold reply.” Continued in her efforts to force Logan into a conversation Paige prayed to god that he didn’t enjoy killing woman or something, because if he did she was toast.

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