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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
The Cloak couldn't help but wonder what that was. Was it a speach.....or a rant? Advice.....or a warning? Words spoken from experience....or the words of a yep. That dead guy was definately moving. But he was also talking. So that meant....vampire, right? Zombies couldn't speak or something like that. And why did she trail off like that at the end? It was annoying when people didn't finish their sentences. He should know after all. When he had lips he wasn't the most articulant of people.

Some of us might have abilites. Some of us might not. Some of us might have bodies.....and did she say Telepath? What did that have to do with anything? Weren't they here to take care of something for Strange? Where was Strange? Shouldn't he be here? Wasn't he around earlier? Where'd he go? And how were these people breathing? Weren't they on the moon or something? The moon.....

The cloak needed eyes. It needed eyes in the worse way. It had been years since it had actually seen the stars. The New York skyline wasn't the most accomodating to viewing the heavens, and while at college Jen had resigned to leave him in the care of Strange who never wore him, but instead merely magically curbed the hunger he was cursed with in the Doctor's home.

Without even realizing it, the cloak started to drift further away from the group, some sort of primal urge to visually grasp the heavens overcoming it. It had no organs of it's own, which while depressing was completely forgotten in that moment. It had no eyes with which to see, nor had it a mind with which to process the input, but it had to see the stars. It had to see.....the light. The act of maintaining it's shape was given up, the living cloth falling to the surface and rippling across it like a twisted hybrid of snake and river.

It couldn't jump. It couldn't fly. It wasn't even sure it could teleport as it was on the moon and not on Earth. But it was on the moon. It was among the stars. But it had to see them. It had to.

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