11-10-2004, 06:22 PM
"I only asked because not too long ago in my reality, a team of mine and I just got done fighting an incarnation of the Phoenix force. It had bonded to a mutant named Typhoon. She already had the incredible power to control the Earth's weather. It took all of her concentration just to keep that power under control, and when the Phoenix force assumed control of her body, it overwhelmed her and she lost her mind. She went on a killing rampage, and it took over 2 dozen of my operatives and myself to finally bring her down. She was also a teammate of mine, and I was the one who had to deliver the killing blow. I didn't want to do it, but all of our other options had been exhausted. On that very same day we lost Jack of Hearts, Wolverine, Mimic, and Beast. It frightens me that you have that same power at your disposal, although you seem to be controlling it as opposed to the way it had taken over poor Ororo. Please don't view what I'm about to say as a threat, but I must say it anyway. I am prepared to do what I have to if the Phoenix gets out of control. It's what Ororo wanted and I'm assuming that you would want the same if it ever came down to you possibly hurting your loved ones."
When life hands you lemons, you gotta squirt lemon juice and life's eye and make it your B!TCH