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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
A low but cruel chuckle exited Logan's mouth as he watched the verbal confrontation between the team erupt. He found it amusing that so many of them were already at each others' necks, but at the same time, it confirmed to him just how poorly constructed this team was. He assumed that the time delay before they went on their mission was Dr. Strange's way of trying to get the 'team' to get to know each other. Which meant that he wanted a foundation of trust to be formed so the 'team' would be more effective. It was a futile gesture.
"It's a futile effort. If he wanted this to be even remotely productive he'd assign ranks, form a dictatorship among the team were only the select few who were experienced or qualified would lead and distripute orders. It wouldn't form friendships that some are trying to make, but it'd be the most direct course of action and it'd get the job done. This is leaving to many opportunities for future conflicts, some of which could cause the failure of this mission and more importantly waste more of my time."
He glanced over at Victoria for a moment. She appeared to still be trying to compose herself after Iron Fist's comments. He would leave her be for the moment. Now was not the time to try and learn more about this Sinistra, to try and learn of the connection she may have to Nathaniel Essex. He would wait, and watch, knowing that an opportunity would soon arise.
His attention returned to the team, looking them over. He was relieved to see that the blond southener known as Paige had left him alone, but judging by her previous persistence, he had a feeling she'd be back. For a brief moment, he saw a striking similarity between her determination and that of Jean Grey's, but that moment quickly past. Most of the team seemed to be 'socializing' for the most part, while a select few were watching from afar as he was. He began to lock their appearances into memory as well as their characteristics, finding it the only productive thing he could do while he waited for this expidtion to get under way.

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