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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Victoria said nothing as Dr. Strange made his explainations to her about his containment of the Phoenix. The whole situation did not sit well with her, but now again, was not the time. She followed him silently and listened in on his description of their new assignment.
Once through the portal and on the other side, it took her only a few moments to gather her bearings. Pulling the hood up on her cloak, and motioned to Paige.
"We better find this Kya...and do it discreetly." she said as she closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated. The diamond on her forehead seemed to disappear from view. At least she wouldn't have to play any mind games with the villagers to mask any of their appearances. And that thought alone made her think of Hank again.
Opening her eyes, she let out a soft little sigh and turned back towards the others.
"There are no leaders here...we know what we are supposed to do. I'm off to read some minds and see if I can find our mark and find out exactly where "here" is. Stay out of trouble...and remember, I'm only a thought away. Feel free to join me if you like." she turned and began to walk down the cobblestone street.

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