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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Wandering along in this strange new place, Alex could not help be reminded of a replica medieval village he had once visited on a school field trip. Sure the place looked pastoral and very olde worlde, but there had been something about the buildings and the tailoring of the clothes that had been a little off, like someone trying too hard. Alex got the same feeling as he looked around the settlment.

He was shaken from his thoughts as he almost tripped over Victoria as she collapsed in front of him. A quick glance to all sides told him they hadn't been attacked. Not physically at least. "Are you ok?" he asked as she stood looking even more pale than she previously had, although if asked Alex would have doubted that was possible. A trickle of blood ran from her nose, drawing Alex' attention. Behind his makeshift mask, his breath caught a little in his throat as the scent of warm fresh blood reached him. "One Two Three..." Alex counted off in his head as he deliberately slowed his breathing and tried to retain control. He still found it especially difficult when out in the sunlight to keep the vampiric instincts at bay. He looked around momentarily as Barry flashed back into view, talking a mile a minute as per usual.

When he looked back, Victoria had wiped the blood away and seemed more in control once more. Despite the obvious scare it seemed to Alex that Victoria regained her composure quickly, as though this was not an entirely new occurrence. Although the information she was providing did little to ease his own feelings of unease. "The future? Well I must admit this is a new one for me. So when does Al appear and tell us what we have to do in order to make the next leap?"

He looked back up the path, trying to see if his other new team mates were following but they were out of sight even to his eyes. "I wonder if the others are having any more luck? Barry did you head back that way on your travels?"

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