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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Franki was still trying to determine how they should go about their search, when she noticed the The Cloak circling in front the group with what resembled a hand outstretched to the three. There must be something it wanted, her assumption would be contact of some form; feeling drawn to accept the hand she reached her own out and grasped on.

She knew that if Batman were here she would have heard an earful about unpredictable situations, and how not to put yourself in danger; but this being was part of the team and without speech it must have another way to communicate…she was merely experimenting to see if her assumption was correct, Franki doubted that The Cloak wanted to put any of them in danger so she felt perfectly safe in accepting the offered hand.

“Genius, pure genius.” Franki muttered under her breath as Logan called out to a passerby, “Just make yourself a spectacle. Why don’t you put a sign above your head that says ‘Not from around here’, and see where that lands you?” She was attempting to remain inconspicuous, and part of that was acting as if she belonged, and anybody that belonged would know who was in charge of this community; if there was in fact somebody that was in charge.

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