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After Japan-Assignment Drunken Pirate Party!
Angelee had been sitting on the bed giggling when Cameron's voice came over the comm link.
"umm...hi Sparky." she called back rather shyly as she wondered in the back of her mind if he had heard her talking with John.
She listened to his confession and actually felt a little angry about it.
"So, you had ta take off, go get hammered and call me on a comm link an' tell me about it? Ya couldn't even face me? Maybe it's all the sea water Ah drank earlier but Ah think that apology is lackin' sorely sugah." she pushed herself off the bed and pulled her clothes on.
"Damn it boy...if ya wanna be a man about it, then be a man about it. Ah've tried everahthang short of chasin' after ya..." She paused for a moment, realizing John probably heard all of this.
"Hey Johnny boy, whenevah ya get done lissen in, Ah'm here an' waiting."
She sat down on the window ledge and sighed, addressing them both.
"Look boys, there's a lot of thangs ya'll don't know. An' Ah sure have a grand ole time with all of ya, but Ah'm gonna lay thangs out on the line right now. So get yer asses back here, Ah'm tired of hidin' it."
She sat there for a minute with a wry smile on her face before adding...
"And the first one who brings me a bottle of Captain Morgans gets to watch me shower later. Oh hell, who am Ah kiddin! Ya'll can be my sponge!" Snickering, she shook her head, laughing at her own flirtatious manner and sighed deeply again. Her voice took a serious turn and she said one last thing.
"Seriously, get back here....Ah think we all need ta talk."

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