11-25-2004, 09:53 PM
Favorite X-Man?
for a time, I would have answered Rogue easily...
a couple months later, I would have said Sage,
currently (and my most constant favorite) is Jubilee, a long-time member who has never had much of a chance to shine in any X-Book (the writers don't even agree with her power... it's PLASMA damnit, not Light!)
but I have a feeling that soon Nocturne will join her daddy on my top 3 of fav X people
Fav Villain?
I have a thing for Mystique... not totally a villain, she's not a good guy either, plus Marvel's lacking as far as female supervillains...
Of course, they're also the Brotherhood... a classic X villain team...
for a time, I would have answered Rogue easily...
a couple months later, I would have said Sage,
currently (and my most constant favorite) is Jubilee, a long-time member who has never had much of a chance to shine in any X-Book (the writers don't even agree with her power... it's PLASMA damnit, not Light!)
but I have a feeling that soon Nocturne will join her daddy on my top 3 of fav X people
Fav Villain?
I have a thing for Mystique... not totally a villain, she's not a good guy either, plus Marvel's lacking as far as female supervillains...
Of course, they're also the Brotherhood... a classic X villain team...