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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Franki was trying to process it all, like a crime scene; working through every detail of what she had heard.
‘Yon mortals shall not manage to hide from the Security master fore’er, not so long as the Eye of Agamotto is mine to command.’ The voice had said, it meant little to her right now…she didn’t know what the Eye of Agomotto was, at least not off the top of her head. At least they had been shown a real threat, whoever this Security master was, he was suspect number one as of this point; he would know where Kya was mostly likely, but was it safe to ask.

“We don’t intend to hide,” Franki called into the darkness, then with a mere thought she answered Cloak, “Let’s leave, I don’t think playing twenty questions with Greeny will get us the answers we need.” The dark-haired woman attempted to keep herself from shivering, it was beginning to get dangerously cold in this dimension.
“I need somebody to explain this Eye of Agomotto to me, I haven’t heard of it before.” She waited for the being to respond, continuing to watch the set of green eyes.

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