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After Japan-Assignment Drunken Pirate Party!
"I meant it in a good way Pet, in a good way. What with such a tiny little waist on ya, how could you be anything but?"

De half asked as he was half pulled along by his raven haired countymate. It was probably for the best too, for as much as he hated violence he wasn't above engaging in it when prompted. Especially if he'd already had a few drinks in him. Besides, thirteen on one didn't seem like such bad odds. He'd faired fairly well four on one before his little "enhancement", and ever since he'd had little problem handling as many as 7 one one. Of course at the time he had been using his powers on those other blokes had been might drunk themselves...but surely that still counted.

Of course now he had to sober himself up a bit along with Chandi, all the while resisting the urge to make another pass at her or go dipping into his narcotic stash. If she was no good drunk then he'd be no good on the stuff, and it was something he had decided he wanted to quit doing anyway. Though now he was left with an entirely new set of problems. Namely....

"So what're we in the mood for luv? Not much of a cook myself you know. Never really needed to learn. Found most bird's who're willing to spend a night with me don't require dinner and a show. Well....I always give 'em a show...."

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